Friday, August 5, 2011

First day of ROAM

We were finally on the road headed to Portland by about 10:30.  When we got to the US border the wait to get across was about an hour.  So by the time we arrived in Portland it was very late in the afternoon just in time the hear the last bit of the volunteers meeting and attend the riders meeting at 7:00.  On the drive to Portland Aaron remarked that it seemed like a long drive and that we would have to cover half that distance every day riding.  This realization made me wonder what I had gotten into. 

Upon arrival at the Days Inn we were greeted by the biggest display of velomobiles in front the the Motel I had ever seen.  That night we put almost all the velos in the conference room in the motel.  There were too many to fit so some were left in the hallway.  The picture is actully the next morning with folks getting ready to ride.

Here is the start of the ride just leaving the parking lot to head out on the road.  It felt good to finally be underway as I have trouble just waiting around.

Here we are at the official send off spot at the fountain.  Once again I can hardly wait to get going.  It was fun talking to folks but I was still eager to go.

We are leaving downtown Portland. 

The route was a bit complicated -- the last person to make a turn had to wait before the turn for those following to show them the route.  This didn't happen a few times and some folks got lost.  It happened to me too but luckily I had ridden this stretch at the Left Coast Velomobile Gathering and was helped out by a local cyclist who guided us back on route.  The Springwater Corridor is a rail trail and quite nice to ride along.  It has quite a few intersections with the road network.  It was not uncommon for motorists to stop and get out of their cars to wave us through while stopping other traffic.  A good day was had by all. 

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